Parade Information

Woodstown 4th of July Parade Information
We’re currently planning the Woodstown 4th of July Parade and we need your help to make this year’s parade another great success. You can help out simply by participating, because a parade ain’t a parade without floats, fire trucks, antique cars, tractors, and kids on decorated bikes. (And in this case - a heap of red, white, and blue!)
Please Read Me
Welcome to parade registration. We are so happy that you’ve chosen to be a part of this great parade - the only 4th of July parade in Salem County - we look forward to having your entry in the line-up!
Below you’ll find some really important information regarding the parade this year. Before proceeding with the registration stuff found at the end of this packet, please read all of the information and share your new-found knowledge with everyone in your group. Seriously, it contains some important information.
All participants, regardless of past participation, must complete the registration form. We can’t guarantee spots in the line-up or make special promises to accommodate your group… please don’t ask. Please ensure you are lined up in the correct location, on the correct side of the street. This could and will delay your group.
Please note that due to safety concerns, we are prohibiting horses and large farm animals from participating in the parade.
Judging and Awards
As in years past, there will be no formal judging stand or tent; rather, judges will circulate throughout the lineup before the parade gets underway. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded to groups who best represent the parade theme
Judging will be based on the following criteria:
1.Creativity. This includes but is not limited to the design, use of music, participants, props, etc.
2.Existence of unified theme: Red/White and Blue
3.Eye Catching
5.Effort in the design
6.Patriotic spirit.
7. If marketing a business’s/Church please ensure that the marketing is age appropriate for all (no alcoholic, cigarette, etc.)
8. All walkers if not associated with a float/act must relocate to Location 7: Perian's Karate Tang Soo Do Parking Lot for staging.
All Parade Participants Rules
All parade entries must be decorated. Music accompaniment to your entry is a plus and is encouraged (we define just about any form of noise as 'music'). You can have a vehicle entry or a walking entry (or combination), your choice. Make sure to keep it family friendly. The 4th of July Parade is celebrating Americans birthday. Please note we do not allow paper literature to be handed out or any sort of solicitation during the parade. That means, no paper hand outs, fliers etc. We do allow floats to pass out candy and ice pops. However candy cannot be thrown from vehicles. If you would like to give candy out it must be done from members of your group walking along your floats or vehicles after Allen Avenue. This is to ensure spectators safety.
Photo/Video Permission
Participants acknowledge and agree that photos or video taken during the parade sponsored by and/or included in the Woodstown 4th of July parade may be used without further consent or compensation by the Woodstown 4th July Committee for promotional purposes. This includes, but is not limited to websites, Facebook, social networks, articles, and any other promotional or news materials regardless of format.
Parade Information
The parade starts at Millbrook and South Main and ends at Marlton Park. Total distance = 1.25 miles. All participants must be lined up By 9:00 AM and ready to go for judging at your staging area (these are listed below). Our parade begins promptly at 10:00 AM on South Main Street at East Millbrook facing town (north). To achieve this timely step-off, all participants must be lined up at their staging area. The parade usually lasts anywhere from 1½ to 2 hours depending on how many participants are in the parade. Starting at 9 AM South Main Street and Mill Street will be closed. If being dropped off for the parade we recommend catching the bus at Marlton Park to be shuttled in. We are a rain or shine event!
Parking and Bus Information
We ask that all participants please park at Marlton Park (Grandview Entrance/Lot) and a shuttle bus will drop you off at Memorial Lake Park. Buses run continuous until the parade begins. Marlton Park is located at 123 Marlton Road, Pilesgrove, NJ 08098.
Walking Performances
Performance routines are welcomed along the route, but must keep moving in a forward direction, keeping an even space between units. Please report to Location 5 (Memorial Lake) for staging unless you are associated with a float/group.
Where to go at the End of Parade
When you reach the end of the parade route (Marlton Park) you have 2 options:
1.Turn into the park entrance: If you choose this option, you must stay till the end of the parade
2.Continue past the entrance: If you choose this option you must continue up Marlton Road and pull past the cones before stopping or off-loading passengers. This keeps the parade moving and keeps everyone safe
Please remember we are all volunteers, giving our time to this great tradition. Parade volunteers will be stationed at Marlton Park and the parade staging areas in and around South Main Street prior to the parade. All volunteers will be in safety vest.
If you have any questions on the day of the parade, flag down a volunteer. If you have questions prior to the parade please e-mail us at [email protected]. Volunteers will be staged at each location.
Staging Areas for Parade Participants:
All Participants must be lined up and ready for judging prior to 9:00 AM. If you miss your line up time or are dropped off after 9:00 AM you will need to go to Marlton Park to get the shuttle which will drop you off at Memorial Lake Park. There is no parking along the route, or at Memorial Lake Park. We need these areas closed for parade participants to line up.
Staging Area Locations 1-7: (All locations will be marked with signs)
Location1 (Chestnut Run Pool): Police, Parade Marshal, Color Guard, Active and Reserve Military, VFW, ROTC. Boy scout’s assisting with Parade banners.
Location 2 (East Millbrooke): Woodstown HS band, fire trucks, and ambulances, first responders.
Location 3 (West Millbrooke): Floats with music and radios, bands, etc. and paid acts.
Location 4 (On Right Side of South Main Street (facing town), starting at the Corner of East Millbrooke and going towards Memorial Lake on South Main Street): All other floats and or acts with no music, Elected Officials, Beauty Queens, Prom Kings & Queens. If you are a convertible car with a float, the car must go with the float, unless you do not mind being separated. All magnetic signs for kings/queens must be purchased by the participant. Magnetic signs will not be provided. Don't forget your own transportation.
All participates located on the left side of South Main Street will be issued in last.
Location 5 (Memorial Lake Park on Ashbrooke Ave): Dogs (ONLY) Contest. Please only dogs, that are well behaved, leashed and not afraid of loud noises, bangs and booms. You must be willing to show proof of dog license. Please register at the small table under the tree to be judged. 1st-3rd place will be awarded.
Location 6 (Ashbrooke Ave. facing South Main Street): Line up on the right side of the road along the park) prior to parking lot (which is blocked off): Classic Cars, Tractors, motorized cars, electric bikes etc. Parking for trailers is in Dr. Hubbs Office parking lot.
Form 1 line along the right side of Ashbrooke Ave (Park side). Trailers that do not fit at Dr. Hubbs parking lot should locate to Marvin L Watson Memorial Park located on Bailey Street for overflow.
Location 7: (South Main Street at "Perians Karate Tanh Soo Do" Parking lot. Non-motorized bikes, wagons, scooters and all walkers. All bike & scooter riders must wear a helmet to participate in parade. Please register at the small table to be judged. 1st-3rd places will be awarded. No Parking allowed at this location.
Thank you for participating in this year's parade.
Have a wonderful and safe Fourth of July.
We’re currently planning the Woodstown 4th of July Parade and we need your help to make this year’s parade another great success. You can help out simply by participating, because a parade ain’t a parade without floats, fire trucks, antique cars, tractors, and kids on decorated bikes. (And in this case - a heap of red, white, and blue!)
Please Read Me
Welcome to parade registration. We are so happy that you’ve chosen to be a part of this great parade - the only 4th of July parade in Salem County - we look forward to having your entry in the line-up!
Below you’ll find some really important information regarding the parade this year. Before proceeding with the registration stuff found at the end of this packet, please read all of the information and share your new-found knowledge with everyone in your group. Seriously, it contains some important information.
All participants, regardless of past participation, must complete the registration form. We can’t guarantee spots in the line-up or make special promises to accommodate your group… please don’t ask. Please ensure you are lined up in the correct location, on the correct side of the street. This could and will delay your group.
Please note that due to safety concerns, we are prohibiting horses and large farm animals from participating in the parade.
Judging and Awards
As in years past, there will be no formal judging stand or tent; rather, judges will circulate throughout the lineup before the parade gets underway. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded to groups who best represent the parade theme
Judging will be based on the following criteria:
1.Creativity. This includes but is not limited to the design, use of music, participants, props, etc.
2.Existence of unified theme: Red/White and Blue
3.Eye Catching
5.Effort in the design
6.Patriotic spirit.
7. If marketing a business’s/Church please ensure that the marketing is age appropriate for all (no alcoholic, cigarette, etc.)
8. All walkers if not associated with a float/act must relocate to Location 7: Perian's Karate Tang Soo Do Parking Lot for staging.
All Parade Participants Rules
All parade entries must be decorated. Music accompaniment to your entry is a plus and is encouraged (we define just about any form of noise as 'music'). You can have a vehicle entry or a walking entry (or combination), your choice. Make sure to keep it family friendly. The 4th of July Parade is celebrating Americans birthday. Please note we do not allow paper literature to be handed out or any sort of solicitation during the parade. That means, no paper hand outs, fliers etc. We do allow floats to pass out candy and ice pops. However candy cannot be thrown from vehicles. If you would like to give candy out it must be done from members of your group walking along your floats or vehicles after Allen Avenue. This is to ensure spectators safety.
Photo/Video Permission
Participants acknowledge and agree that photos or video taken during the parade sponsored by and/or included in the Woodstown 4th of July parade may be used without further consent or compensation by the Woodstown 4th July Committee for promotional purposes. This includes, but is not limited to websites, Facebook, social networks, articles, and any other promotional or news materials regardless of format.
Parade Information
The parade starts at Millbrook and South Main and ends at Marlton Park. Total distance = 1.25 miles. All participants must be lined up By 9:00 AM and ready to go for judging at your staging area (these are listed below). Our parade begins promptly at 10:00 AM on South Main Street at East Millbrook facing town (north). To achieve this timely step-off, all participants must be lined up at their staging area. The parade usually lasts anywhere from 1½ to 2 hours depending on how many participants are in the parade. Starting at 9 AM South Main Street and Mill Street will be closed. If being dropped off for the parade we recommend catching the bus at Marlton Park to be shuttled in. We are a rain or shine event!
Parking and Bus Information
We ask that all participants please park at Marlton Park (Grandview Entrance/Lot) and a shuttle bus will drop you off at Memorial Lake Park. Buses run continuous until the parade begins. Marlton Park is located at 123 Marlton Road, Pilesgrove, NJ 08098.
Walking Performances
Performance routines are welcomed along the route, but must keep moving in a forward direction, keeping an even space between units. Please report to Location 5 (Memorial Lake) for staging unless you are associated with a float/group.
Where to go at the End of Parade
When you reach the end of the parade route (Marlton Park) you have 2 options:
1.Turn into the park entrance: If you choose this option, you must stay till the end of the parade
2.Continue past the entrance: If you choose this option you must continue up Marlton Road and pull past the cones before stopping or off-loading passengers. This keeps the parade moving and keeps everyone safe
Please remember we are all volunteers, giving our time to this great tradition. Parade volunteers will be stationed at Marlton Park and the parade staging areas in and around South Main Street prior to the parade. All volunteers will be in safety vest.
If you have any questions on the day of the parade, flag down a volunteer. If you have questions prior to the parade please e-mail us at [email protected]. Volunteers will be staged at each location.
Staging Areas for Parade Participants:
All Participants must be lined up and ready for judging prior to 9:00 AM. If you miss your line up time or are dropped off after 9:00 AM you will need to go to Marlton Park to get the shuttle which will drop you off at Memorial Lake Park. There is no parking along the route, or at Memorial Lake Park. We need these areas closed for parade participants to line up.
Staging Area Locations 1-7: (All locations will be marked with signs)
Location1 (Chestnut Run Pool): Police, Parade Marshal, Color Guard, Active and Reserve Military, VFW, ROTC. Boy scout’s assisting with Parade banners.
Location 2 (East Millbrooke): Woodstown HS band, fire trucks, and ambulances, first responders.
Location 3 (West Millbrooke): Floats with music and radios, bands, etc. and paid acts.
Location 4 (On Right Side of South Main Street (facing town), starting at the Corner of East Millbrooke and going towards Memorial Lake on South Main Street): All other floats and or acts with no music, Elected Officials, Beauty Queens, Prom Kings & Queens. If you are a convertible car with a float, the car must go with the float, unless you do not mind being separated. All magnetic signs for kings/queens must be purchased by the participant. Magnetic signs will not be provided. Don't forget your own transportation.
All participates located on the left side of South Main Street will be issued in last.
Location 5 (Memorial Lake Park on Ashbrooke Ave): Dogs (ONLY) Contest. Please only dogs, that are well behaved, leashed and not afraid of loud noises, bangs and booms. You must be willing to show proof of dog license. Please register at the small table under the tree to be judged. 1st-3rd place will be awarded.
Location 6 (Ashbrooke Ave. facing South Main Street): Line up on the right side of the road along the park) prior to parking lot (which is blocked off): Classic Cars, Tractors, motorized cars, electric bikes etc. Parking for trailers is in Dr. Hubbs Office parking lot.
Form 1 line along the right side of Ashbrooke Ave (Park side). Trailers that do not fit at Dr. Hubbs parking lot should locate to Marvin L Watson Memorial Park located on Bailey Street for overflow.
Location 7: (South Main Street at "Perians Karate Tanh Soo Do" Parking lot. Non-motorized bikes, wagons, scooters and all walkers. All bike & scooter riders must wear a helmet to participate in parade. Please register at the small table to be judged. 1st-3rd places will be awarded. No Parking allowed at this location.
Thank you for participating in this year's parade.
Have a wonderful and safe Fourth of July.